Friday, January 9, 2015

Two killers walk into a newspaper office...

This Charlie Hebdo paper (and crowd) reminds me of modern entitled women in the west. First of all, free-speech and any form of it anywhere, requires someone to enforce it... or in this case, protect you from its consequences.

If I walked into some bar (in the USA) filled with Bikers, and precede to taunt them, or speak loudly about how pathetic their life-style is... there's every chance I am going to get my head beat in. They are not in the right to do so, but what can I do?

In Paris, we have an almost schizophrenic situation where liberal/marxists have spent years trying to create their multi-racial, multi-religious utopia... which like any civilization that exists, must be propped up by Men. Usually the same kind of men that are taunted, emasculated, demonized by the same people who they are supposed to protect.

Today, all of France (and the world) it seems is expected to rally around "Free Speech"?  To fight "terror", to sacrifice themselves so Charlie Hebdo can run around acting like nihilists and antagonists and enablers.

Once again, they expect the White Knight to come in and save them but will they give anything in return?

Will any of these newspapers speak about the degradation of Men in the West?

Without any reciprocity--a healthy civilization is impossible to maintain.  Without logic and reason, we get situations like this overflowing with contradictions. This Charlie Hebdo rag is the same paper that attacks French people who think mixing Radical Islamics with their society is a bad idea.

Logical men would understand this contradiction of ideologies and how they might come into conflict... and they would certainly understand, that taunting and provoking them, is going to backfire. Logical men would not enter the debate as it is because it is built on so many falsehoods, in particular, the denial of cause and effect..

This civilization is going to burn itself if it continues on its current course.... so keep guard and stay as disengaged as possible.

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