Thursday, January 15, 2015

The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone

This phrase was used by the early Christians as a warning/threat to the power structure at the time--the Pharisees--that those whom they were rejecting, would bring their downfall. Putting aside the religious aspects and historic interpretations, we can say in general terms that they were correct.

Small groups of Men decided that the system being promoted was a joke, and by pulling out (leaving their desire for marriage), they began to cause systemic dissension  by completely denying the legitimacy of the established rulers. These actions caused so much trouble and disorder that Jerusalem was sacked and destroyed the Romans, and the Judeans (what was left of them) dispersed.

What's the relevance?

Well recently there's been somewhat of a split between MGTOW and MRA which was clearly inevitable given the varying aims. In the below video, Bar Bar welcomes the development and says adios.

Bar bar sees the situation like Pandora's Box, in that the lid has been removed so completely that to restore traditionalism in the current socio-techno-economic framework is an impossibility.

This will naturally make many angry as most people sense, the great untapped power resides with those who go MGTOW. Men who no longer buy into the illusion--in any shape or form--are denying its (the system's) legitimacy by their actions, while those who are simply trying to re balance or gain some ground (MRAs), enable the system to solidify by treating it with good faith.

The same men who are no longer captivated by the illusion, can no longer be contained or honey-trapped or guilt-tripped or shamed....

You see it's inevitable that MGTOW will grow as the countless young men who are growing up are not even being allowed into the current system in the first place... they are barred from tasting any of its fruit so they will have little sympathy for it, nor any desire to fight for men's rights--since they've never known any.

Western Society has tried to reject them and throw them to the dogs--but soon enough, they will become the capstone.

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